
The algorithms don’t do it for me any more!

Spotify and the other streaming services have revolutionised the way we consume music today. Having all the music that I love at the click of a mouse wherever I am is certainly a blessing, and it fits with my modern, connected lifestyle.

But it made me lazy. I realised I was no longer actively seeking new music. I was letting Spotify do the work for me – until it started to get boring. The algorithms are smart, sure, and once in a while they would introduce me to a new track or artist that I liked. But generally, it was just more of the same… the latest release by artists from my youth did not generally get me excited – honestly, they are past their best. The “Fans also like” section would take me round in circles.

I was desperately missing the excitement of discovering new albums! Ok, so a Spotify playlist is never quite going to give us all that feeling of taking a new piece of vinyl from a sleeve, placing it carefully on the turntable and then poring over the sleeve notes, but hopefully, what we are doing here at NDY will at least help us find new music.

Our A&R team are all reporting the same thing: it takes about 100 clicks to find a new track that really gets us excited. We’ve done that work so you don’t have to.

Our team have very diverse tastes. Chance are, you will soon realise whose playlists you love and follow them – hopefully awaiting their next release with as much excitement as you used to wait for the next release of an artist you love.