DaveFull Bio

Dave’s Full Bio

Dave Annis has been an amateur musician for over 40 years. In October 2022 he decided to leave his secure but very normal job to focus on a number of projects related to music, including writing, producing, managing bands, and this – Not Deaf Yet.

The inspiration for NDY came from when he attended a songwriting course. When he checked out the work of the other participants on Spotify, he realised that there is enormous talent and great music out there that no one is listening to, but at the same time, people of Dave’s generation frequently complain that there is no great music any more. So he made it his mission to help discover it and bring it to this audience. Of course, not everyone shares Dave’s particular taste in music, so he went about recruiting friends he knew loved very different music to him. The ones that said yes are your illustrious A&R team.

From his years of playing in loud bands with no hearing protection, Dave does have to wear hearing aids, but he’s not deaf yet!