Full BioMark

Mark’s Full Bio

Mark Burgess came to London to become a Rock Star, but ended up running a chain of record shops. He’s played in a few bands, including Red Horses of the Snow and more recently Bona Rays.

Mark would like to reawaken people’s interest in recent music. His playlists will aim to show that music did not stop sometime in the 80s or 90s when you had kids. He will do the digging to find the best bands of the last 30 years whose musicianship and songwriting are as good as or better than the favourite bands of your youth.

With an emphasis on musicianship and song craft, the playlists will explore many genres, including Prog Rock, Psychedelia, Shoegaze, Britpop, Heavy Rock, Punk and New Wave. Some will be themed, others presenting a smorgasbord of delight to surprise and enthral you. Some bands you may have heard of – most will be unknown to you, and the playlists will be a gateway to exploring the catalogues of the new bands you particularly enjoy.

There will be quite a few longer tracks as well for those of you who like a bit of development in your music – this will certainly not be a singles playlist. 

Mark will take a thirty minute Prog Epic over a throwaway 3 minute pop song every day of the week!

to listen to Mark’s own music, visit www.dinted.bandcamp.com